Thursday, May 27, 2010

May So Far...

As May nears its end, I reflect back on how busy we have been this month.
On a positive note, Lee has been accepted to IU for this fall. He will be transferring most of his Ivy Tech classes with him, including the two he is taking this summer. He also has an interview for a supervisor position at one of his part-time jobs. Wish him luck!

For Mother's Day, we enjoyed a wonderful day. First, Amelia was dedicated into the First Baptist Church in Bedford. As many of you know, Lee and I are typically not the church-going type. I consider myself a fallen Catholic, and Lee went to both Baptist and Pentecostal (which he disliked) churches growing up. He feels most at home at the First Baptist Church, where we were married nearly 6 years ago. His grandmother and father are both members. So on Mother's Day, Amelia was dedicated. She received a nice card/certificate commemorating the day. We then spent the remainder of the day relaxing at home, having an indoor picnic, and just enjoying time together.

Nearly two weeks ago, we headed to Conner Prairie. Lee had visited on a field trip in elementary school, but this was the first trip for Taylor, Amelia, and myself. We went during Civil War days and watched a Civil War battle reenactment. Lee used to participate in those as a teenager, so this was his first time as an observer. It was a nice family day and something we just don't do enough of.

Our next trip....St. Louis. I'm looking forward to spending some time away from home. We haven't gotten away for more than one night since we went to New York over a year ago, so this vacation will be nice.

BTW, Amelia is now standing! Granted, she has to hold on to something, but I have a feeling that we will have a walking baby before the end of the summer. Sheesh!

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