Friday, April 16, 2010

Easter and a Crawling Baby

It has been 5 ½ weeks since I posted a “real post” regarding our family and life happenings. A lot has changed with my baby girl!

Amelia has gotten two teeth, both of which are on the bottom. She spends countless hours during the day rubbing them with her tongue and trying to figure out what these strange things in her mouth are. She is now a daily eater of fruits or vegetables. She has some favorites and some that do not agree with her, but don’t we all. We have bought her a jumperoo for our house and a walker for her sitter’s house. She loves both!! Her 6-month checkup was earlier this week, and she has gained 2 pounds and 2 inches since her 4-month appt. She now weighs in at 17 lbs, 12 ozs. , and she measures 28 ¼” long. And, a new development – she is crawling!! She just began crawling last night – watch out world!!

Easter was nearly two weeks ago, and my family always tries to get together on the Saturday evening before. This year we met at my mom and dad's house, and we dined on pizza. My husband looked at me and said, “Because pizza is the traditional Easter meal?”. Yep, the Lee clan is strange, but lovable, and actually the pizza was my idea. The adults (sans Lee) also participated in an Easter egg hunt made possible by Taylor and my niece, Brandi. They did a great job in hiding those eggs! In fact, I didn’t find one egg! Okay, I technically “found” one egg, but it was a mercy-find as my sister had technically already “found” it. Above you will see a picture with all of us and the eggs. I honestly can't believe my dad is standing there holding an egg - lol! Good memories! Next year, Amelia will get to hunt the eggs that pesky bunny hides.

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