Monday, September 10, 2007

Niagara Falls & Canada

With all of the news of last week, I didn't get the chance to post a blog about our Labor Day trip. We visited Niagara Falls and Canada. It was a wonderful and much needed time away.

We left Saturday morning at 4:46 a.m. I have only gotten up that early twice for as long as I can remember. The other time was when we drove to Orlando six months ago. By mid-afternoon we were in Niagara Falls, NY taking in the sites.

The following day we went to Niagara Falls, Ontario and enjoyed the Canadian views and sites. I must say, even though there were hundreds to thousands of people surrounding us, watching the falls was one of the most peaceful and tranquil moments of my life. Nothing can explain going there and seeing them in person. It is much like the Grand Canyon, where we went on our honeymoon. Pictures and words just can't describe it.

Pictures and words also can't describe the Maid of the Mist boat ride into the heart of the falls. You will get wet, but you will also never experience anything quite like it. The roar of the water, the wind, the movement of the boat - it was all unforgettable.

Labor Day we drove home via Canada (AKA "the long way"). Lee wanted to drive back through Canada so I obliged. It was quite a beautiful trip, and we got to come back to the U.S. via Detroit. However, it was also a long trip home that day.

In all, during our trip we visited Niagara Falls State Park in NY, Niagara Falls, Ontario, American Falls, Bridal Veil Falls, Horseshoe Falls, Skylon Tower, Maid of the Mist, Journey Behind the Falls, Queen Victoria Place, Lake Ontario, Buffalo, Windsor, Detroit, etc, all in 64 hours.

If you would like to see pictures, please email me, and I'll send you the link. You can also see pictures on my MySpace page at

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