Monday, June 18, 2007

We're Proud Parents - Again!

Lee and I have never gone to the Bloomington Fun Frolic as a couple. Taylor's mom always took her, so we never worried about going. Well, since they moved to Tennessee, they were no longer in town to take her, so we did. Boy, what an adventure!

We played the “Win A Bunny” game thinking we would never win. You have to throw a ping pong ball into a bowl floating in water. Who wins that?? Well, we did. Here is a picture of the new member of our family. His/her name is Gillham (for the street we live on). We’re calling the bunny Gil for short, and it is 7 weeks old. The kitties have been sniffing the bunny a bunch, but Gil doesn’t seem to mind them at all. He/she just hops right by. We've been keeping it in the cage for most of the day and letting it out for 1/2 hour here and there for playtime. I think it likes it's new home. If it gets to be too much to handle, we will find it a new home, but for now, we'll give it a shot!

We also learned that Taylor is quite the expert at darts. She won a little blue dog and won her Aunt Gloria a picture by popping balloons with darts. Even Aunt Gloria herself couldn't hit one. Taylor also got to take her first ride on a Ferris Wheel. She loved it!!! I couldn't believe she hadn't been on one before. We've ridden much scarier rides at Holiday World and Disney. All in all, it was a fun day at the Fun Frolic, and we now have a new member of the family.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the family, Gil! I'm a bunny "aunt" now! Awwww!

Anonymous said...

Everybody needs somebunny sometimes.... ;)

Anonymous said...

Awww...he's soo cute. If you ever need a bunny-sitter, let us know =)