Friday, October 23, 2009

I'm A Mommy!!

On Tuesday, October 13, 2009 at 8:30 a.m., I became a mommy to a beautiful baby girl, Amelia Josephine. Amelia weighed in at 9 lbs. 10 ozs. and was delivered via c-section. She is the light of my life.

While motherhood so far has been challenging and a practice in patience, I wouldn't have it any other way. Amelia is actually a very good baby overall. She generally does not cry unless something is wrong - hunger, dirty diaper, gas. She also sleeps fairly well at night - usually 3-4 hours at a time.

Her first moments on earth were fairly eventful, at least according to a new mommy. Since she was born via c-section, her body didn't get squeezed through the birth canal, and there were some breathing problems. They put her on oxygen for about an hour, and she was well. Her mommy had a little bit of bleeding since she delivered such a big girl. But again, nothing that wasn't fixed quickly.

We were in the hospital for 3 1/2 days and were released Friday afternoon. I was nervous about bringing her home and being responsible for her completely, but so far so good. I feel as though I get nothing done during the day except watching her and answering email. But she usually sleeps for a few hours at a time, so if I tried, I could get something done. I just wait to see when she'll wake up - silly mommy!

Lee went back to work on Wednesday this week and is working 1/2 days for this week. He did that so he could readjust to a schedule and so I could adjust to him not being here all day with me. We've been doing good so far. Last night, he also had class, so Amelia and I spent 9 hours alone together, and we did just fine. Hopefully it always goes that well.

Also yesterday her umbilical cord fell off during a feeding. Wow! What a milestone for my little girl! We have been avoiding onesies or anything that would touch the belly button area, so now we get to explore wearing most of our wardrobe. Today is our first "onesie" day, and so far so good.

I'll try to keep this updated with milestones. Right now my angel is sleeping beside me, so I am able to take time to write this. I look forward to each day with her, but I also consider each day a victory - we get through them together! I can't believe she is already 10 days old! The time really does fly by, and it will only get faster. I'm trying to enjoy every minute I can!!

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