Thursday, June 11, 2009

Baby Girl Lawmaster (Part 2)

Well I had my final ultrasound yesterday afternoon. Baby Girl Lawmaster is doing wonderfully. Her heart has four chambers, and everything else looks healthy.

My actual doctor's appointment was today, and I learned that she is measuring big - very big. She is in the 97% for 24 weeks, and I am only at 23 weeks. So, I am measuring big as well, but I still haven't gained too much weight, which is the positive. She is now 1 pound 9 ounces, and she has long legs! They will keep an eye on her and see how big she gets.

It was great to get to see her again, especially since I know I can't see her again until she is born. But that time will be here before we know it!

1 comment:

Margie said...

How wonderful! Getting that reassuring information is the best. It sounds like she's really thriving in there!