Tuesday, February 20, 2007

What a First Week!

So last week was my first week at my new job! Monday was crazy busy. Within an hour of my being there, I had to attend my first Administrative Council meeting (1 1/2 hours long), then I had to meet with my supervisor, set up my desk, etc. By the end of the day, my mind was exhausted. As my sister said, "You go from knowing everything to knowing nothing." And, boy, do I agree.

Then came the ice storm. I missed work both Tuesday and Wednesday, and IU actually closed the campus for half of Wednesday. As you can see from my picture, our poor pine tree suffered quite a bit of damage. Many of its front limbs fell off Tuesday due to the ice. We lost power for about 1 hour Tuesday morning and then we lost cable for another hour Tuesday afternoon. We were lucky! Our neighbors, who are on a different electric company than us, were without power all day Tuesday. It took Lee 1/2 hour to get into his truck to go to work Tuesday night. By Wednesday, the roads were really bad, but the sun cleared many of them by afternoon.

So, for Valentine's Day, we went to Olive Garden for dinner. It was very nice and wonderful. We decided to rent a movie and just stay in the rest of the night. Little did we know our power was going to go off for another 2 1/2 hours due to a tree on the power line. So, there we are sitting by candlelight on Valentine's Day. Not a bad prospect, except that we had no heat either. My husband used his noggin and set up our portable DVD player with our battery charger kit, and we got to watch a movie anyway. It was an interesting but wonderful Valentine's Day!

I went back to work on Thursday and Friday and kept busy as well. I went to an IT Career Fair and got my first taste of recruiting. I think this job is going to be challenging, interesting, and a great opportunity for me. I can't wait to experience more.

Then Saturday came more snow. It wasn't that big of a deal except that when I pulled into our driveway, I kind of missed it. I got hung up in our ditch. I went inside to get Lee to help and before we got back outside, a slew of neighbors came out to help. They got me out - I love having neighbors!!

Well, down with one week and many more to go!!

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