December 23 - Christmas Eve Eve with Lee's grandmother, dad, and uncle from Michigan.
December 24 - Christmas Eve at my mom and dad's house which is always full of games and surprises in order to "earn" your present.
December 25 - Christmas Day with Lee's mom and her family
December 26 - Since Taylor wasn't with us for the 24th or 25th, we had to make alternate plans with our families. Lee's mom and grandma came over to our house to celebrate with Taylor. Taylor also received our present - a girl's golf club set. Now she and Lee can golf together.
December 27 - My sister Brenda and her husband Doug came to visit Taylor on their way back to Indy.
December 28 - My parents, my other sister Michele and her family celebrated with us and Taylor. The pictures above are of Brandi and Sabrina from that day. Amazing how quickly time flies. Sabrina is in driver's ed now. Brandi is playing junior high basketball. It seems like just yesterday they were babies. Not the case anymore!! We had a great time visiting, and I'm glad we got that time with them!
Today started my actual "vacation". Lee has to work this week, so I get the house to myself to enjoy my vacation and get some things done around the house. Only 6 more days until I go back to work :-(.