Thursday, March 10, 2011

In Like a Lion ....

So after surviving the ice storm, February went off without a hitch even if we kept very busy! On Valentine’s Day weekend, Lee and I visited our good friends Sharla and Brad. It was an adult-only time while our little ones spent time with their grandparents. It was nice to hang out and go to a nice meal with other adults without having to wipe a little one’s nose, or help them eat, or make sure they have enough drink. We had lots of laughs and got a much needed break from life.

Later that weekend, Lee and I got our pictures professionally taken for the first time since our wedding. We used the same photographers that took Amelia's 6-month pictures; we won a free mini-session with them. Who knew it was so nice to spend time on ourselves for a change. :-)

The following weekend, Taylor, my sister Brenda, and I took in The Diary of Anne Frank at the Indiana Repertory Theater. Brenda works there full-time, so we got a backstage tour of the costume shop, prop shop, administrative offices, etc. Taylor really enjoyed the play and asked many questions regarding World World II, the Holocaust, Anne Frank, and so much more. I am so glad we were able to take her!

The weekend after that was my birthday weekend – the big 3-2! Brenda volunteered to take Amelia for the entire weekend, which was a much appreciated break. Lee and I celebrated by going snow tubing at Paoli Peaks. We have been talking about going for a few years, and it just never worked out, but this year we finally went. We had a great time!!! Later that night we headed out for dinner and drinks.

On March 2, Brenda and I enjoyed seeing Idina Menzel in concert. OMG! She is absolutely amazing. I have never witnessed someone with such an amazing voice. She was born to perform. We had a wonderful time - she is beautiful, funny, and talented beyond belief. I am so glad we went!

This past weekend we headed down to the DC (Dubois County) to celebrate my niece’s 15th birthday. I can’t believe she was just 14 months old when I graduated high school….ugh! Where does the time go? And, her sister will be turning 17 in just a few short months. Amazing how fast they grow up when you aren’t looking………

Well, March, should be an uneventful month for us for the most part. We have a few things planned, but we hope to relax for a little while. The winter has been very busy for us, and we’d like to enjoy the beauty the spring brings. Here’s to March coming in like a lion (with severe storms to boot!) and out like a lamb ……